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Vant to dress as a vampire? Have zombie costumes on the brain? Or perhaps you're dreaming of strolling into the costume party as a nightmarish movie character? Complete countless gore-geous costume ideas when you shop fake blood products! With everything from blood capsules that'll give Dracula a just-fed look to blood gel for perfecting the clots on prosthetic wounds, our selection of fake blood makeup has the vitals!
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Extra Thick Blood Gel
Sale - 50%
Vampire Blood Teeth Kit
Sale - 50%
Blood Spray
Coming Soon
8 oz Stage Blood
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1 oz Blood Liquid Latex Duo
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Vampire Teeth with Blood
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Small Blood Tip Vampire Fangs
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Aerosol Blood Writer 1
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Zombie Black Blood
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Magic Blood Powder
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Ninja Star Victim Kit
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Latex Headwound Kit
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Headwound Kit


From zombie crawls and vampire costumes to independently-funded amateur horror film-making, blood makeup can be considered vital! It can add a flush of color to pale characters and a frighteningly convincing look to fake gore. Or it might be the final nudge Halloween décor needs to turn a cozy sitting room into a nightmare chamber in the annual neighborhood haunted house competition. Not sure what bloody makeup would be best for your need? Just curious about all the options out there? Follow along with our brief guide to find the ideas and products that are sure to be the lifeblood of your next scary costume or event!

When you think gorey makeup, kids may not be at the top of your mind. That's entirely fair. The little rascals are either charging full-steam ahead to turn their superhero costume into a super zombie costume or shying away from the topic of blood altogether. It's band-aids or gross-outs for most kids. But, if you've got a kiddo looking to be that zombie or maybe a vampire, you'll want to know your makeup blood options. If a kiddo is wearing their first vampire costume, they may not want to try blood capsules, and you may not feel comfortable letting them chomp into the bite-sized cells. It'd be a blast with your elaborate Dracula costume, but blood-red lipstick or a sprinkling of blood powder across a child's cheeks might be a better vampire blood makeup to start.

It's a little harder to avoid theatrical blood makeup when it comes to zombies. Of course, you can employ the same options from our kid's vampire makeup suggestion but substitute black lipstick for red to keep things simple. Or you can order some blood paste or gel and help your child apply a controlled amount of gore to their ensemble.

Of course, you may not be worried about getting kids dressed in fake gore at all! In which case, grab that gallon of fake blood and get to splattering! Go full, Carrie! Film an Elm Street-inspired nightmare! Or raise a legion of zombie crawlers with a single supply. Choose stage blood to be artistic with your splashes, scratches, and drips. A little thicker than the jug full of fake blood, stage-quality blood makeup offers the chance to control the flow. Meanwhile, Halloween makeup blood kits will save time and provide more precise instructions on where and how to apply the blood face makeup, bloody vampire teeth, or latex wounds.

Whether you're looking for fake blood to darken just the corners of your mouth or a bucket of stage blood for any theatrical production, our selection of Halloween blood makeup has you covered! Monster