Girl's Superhero Costumes

Girls can be heroes, too! We have costumes that are girls' versions of male heroes, as well as costumes for female heroes in their own right. She can go it alone, like Wonder Woman, or be part of a team, like Black Widow. Or she can protect the citizens of Gotham City or Metropolis as Batgirl or Supergirl.
We have different versions of several characters. They range from glittery, girly tutus to tough-as-nails, no-nonsense togs. Whichever route she chooses, she can practice her character's signature moves. That's how she can show the bad guys she means business!
She can have even more fun on party day as part of a duo or group with friends or siblings. Choose a group like the Avengers, or a hero and a sidekick or villain. She'll be well on her way to ridding the world of evil!